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If you discover that your journal issue is in COMPACT SHELVING, it's downstairs on the Ground Floor, in the Compact Shelving section. You'll need the call number for the journal in order to find it!
Most items in Compact Shelving are Bound: This means that an entire year or volume of paper issues is sewn together into a hard cover, to keep things safe and neat. Just look for the hardcover bound volume or year that you need.
Still not sure how to find it? First, check out this guide to make sure you copied the call number correctly. And, of course, ask for help!
Contains the full text of several music reference works, most importantly Grove Music Online, The Oxford Companion to Music, and The Oxford Dictionary of Music. It also provides contextual to links to images, sound, and other related web sites. Access limited to 8 simultaneous users.
Provides full text—plus abstracts and bibliographic indexing—for the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities. Including feature articles, interviews, obituaries, bibliographies, original works of fiction, book reviews, and reviews of ballets, dance programs, motion pictures, musicals, operas, plays, and much more,