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Find biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on nearly 130,000 writers, from all time periods and from around the world.
The Library has several film databases with educational, anthropological and features films about France or in French. Click Here for list of those databases
If I wanted to discuss the current state of the publishing industry in France, I might consider a number of ideas, including:
I used a combination of resources to begin to address this question. The library databases I searched included ABI Inform, Lexis Nexis, Communication and Mass Media Complete, LISTA, ebrary, and our library catalog. I also used an encyclopedia of associations to find the names of library and publishing trade groups in France, to see what they had to say on the matter.
I found a lot of different kinds of information: articles from US, UK and French newspapers; trade publications and white papers from French organizations; a French Law that regulates the book trade; information about a court case between Amazon dot com and Hachette (a French publisher); and an industry survey.