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HIS316 Gender and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity (Gatzke)

What is Interlibrary Loan?

Interlibrary Loan is a service provided to current SUNY New Paltz faculty (including emeriti), registered students, and staff to obtain items not available in the Sojourner Truth Library. Registered users can request items (books, articles, DVDs, etc.) not owned by the Sojourner Truth Library, as well as books that are currently checked out or missing from our collection.

Log in with your campus assigned NPCUID username and password so you can:

  • register as a first time user
  •  place a request
  •  check the status of a request
  •  ask for a renewal
  • view web delivered articles
  •  modify your ILLiad user information to change your address, phone number, etc.

How Do I Request Articles?

1.  In most cases you can request an article right from the database in which you found it listed. For example, let's say you found this article in Art & Architecture Complete:

Article citation in a database

2. Click on either the Find it @ New Paltz button or the Find Full Text links below the article listing. This will run a check to see if we have the full text of the article in another database.

3. You'll be linked back into Search Our Libraries where you will either see links to the article in another database, or a link to Interlibrary Loan.

4. If you click the link to Interlibary Loan you will be prompted to login to ILLiad  with your NPCUID, and once there, import all the information about the article, so you need only fill in the "for coursework or professor field" and click Submit.

5. Once the article has been located, you will receive an email with a link to download the article. This link is temporary, so be sure to save the article elsewhere.

6. Still have questions? Don't hesitate to Ask a Librarian

How Do I Request Books and DVDs?

1.  Go to the WorldCat tab on the STL Library homepage and search for books. You will see that some books listed among the results list say SUNY New Paltz Library. We have these books at STL and you can use the call number listed to find them on the shelf.

2. In some cases, STL does not own the book and Worldcat Libraries will be listed instead:

          Screen shot of a book listed in WorldCat with an arrow pointing to the bottom line of the entry, where it says Libraries that own this item: WorldCat Libraries

3. You could request the above title through Interlibrary Loan by clicking on the button that says: Request Item Through Interlibrary Loan


4. You will be prompted to login to ILLiad with your New Paltz username and password. If this is your first time logging in, you'll be required to submit your address, phone number, and some other basic information. You'll never have to do this again!

5.  If it's your first time requesting, you'll have to go back and click on the "request item through Interlibrary Loan" again after you've submitted your basic information. You should see a request screen with fields pre-populated with information about the book you are requesting: 

Screen shot of the 'Loan Request' screen

6. At the very bottom of the form, type in what course or research the book is needed for and hit "Submit"

Screen shot of the bottom of the loan request screen highlighting the field where you would enter the instructor whose class you need materials for and an arrow pointing to 'Submit' button        

7. You'll get an email when the book arrives; pick it up at the Checkout Desk with your New Paltz ID. The length of the loan will vary, depending on the institution that sent the book over for you to use.