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Place one or more copies of your textbook available at the library. It can help students who do not have the funds to acquire one early in the semester.
Let your students know when an item is on Reserve.
Demonstrate how to find to library Reserves via catalog. Students can find Reserve items by course name, instructor's name, department and more
Make sure your students are aware if copies of the text are also available at a department office or lab.
The Library has a rich array of remotely-accessible databases. These include magazine, journal and newspaper articles; ebooks; and streaming audio and video.
Combine these resources with well-vetted websites and your lecture notes, lecture capture, and slideshows to create a powerful learning experience in lieu of a textbook.
SUNY New Paltz also has an institutional subscription to, a robust collection of learning videos. These are available through my dot newpaltz.
We highly recommend deep-linking to the article, ebook, film, etc. with a persistent URL rather than using the PDF or embedding the media. See the box below for more about persistent linking.
LINK to Library Databases. You can then filter by subject or by format e.g., eBooks, videos, etc.
What's Persistent Linking? Simply put, it's a way to use a stable internet address that deep-links into our databases.
Most of our databases refer to that stable URL as a permalink or a PURL. It's an alternative to downloading pdfs otf those resources and then loading them back into your course site. In general, deep linking to resources is considered more copyright compliant than uploading those pds, too.
Many of our databases enable you to create permalinks to content. Here's an example that works in all our EBSCO databases.
CLICK the PERMALINK icon to the right of any article record then COPY the PERMALINK that appears at the top.
For some databases you'll need to add this text to the front of an article URL to make it a permalink. We call it a Library Proxy script:
Here are some examples, with the proxy script added to the article URL that you would find in your browser's location bar:
Here's another example:
If you need assistance with creating permanent links, please Ask a Librarian.