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Good research starts with lots of open-ended questions, so generate several to start! For example I might be interested in knitwear from South America and begin by asking:
What kinds of garments are knitted, and in which areas?
Who knits and how does this practice intersect with societies and cultural practices?
Are there particular countries or regions that have specific knitwear not found elsewhere?
This initial research will help me generate key terms that I can then take to reference books, Worldcat, and article databases to find specific sources:
Peru, Andes | Hats, Chullos, T'ikas |
Knits, Knitwear, Knitting | Gender Roles |
Wool, Textiles | Quechua |
After searching key terms you might find yourself generating additional questions and starting the process anew!
Reference Sources, especially the Encyclopedia of World Dress, are a great place to start. Come to the Library's print Reference Collection and search this set by region or specific types of garments. You will find a bibliography of other books and articles at the end of each entry - these may be useful sources for you!
In-depth (Stacks) Books will help you deepen your questions and gain greater contextual understanding. Use Worldcat to locate and request titles we don't have at New Paltz through Interlibrary Loan, or explore what we have right here in our library.
Article Databases will provide the most specific or granular level of research. If you want to know more about a specific garment or cultural practice, you may find an article on it in JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, or Art & Architecture Complete.
You can always visit, call, text, or e-mail a librarian for assistance.
Egyptian, New Kingdom, ca. 1550–1070 B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art:*&where=Egypt&pos=74