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Looking for a book we do not have at STL? We can help you get access to a copy with services including SUNY Resource Sharing and Interlibrary Loan! It may take up to a week and a half for books to arrive at STL so be sure to place requests as soon as possible.
The Sojourner Truth Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System. If you are looking for ideas and don't yet have a specific topic, you might try looking at books on the shelves in the following areas:
GT500-GT2370 (Manners and customs -- Dress) -- Concourse (Middle) Floor
GN418-GN419.5 (Anthropology -- Clothing and adornment) -- Concourse (Middle) Floor
Be sure to check these sections in the Oversize section on the Ground Floor as well.
You will certainly find resources relevant to your topic in other areas as well. When you search the catalog by keyword, take note of any similar call numbers and visit that area of the stacks
The Sojourner Truth Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System for the call numbers it assigns to most of the items in its collections, including Reference, in-depth books (Stacks), and Media.
The Library of Congress Classification arranges materials by subjects. The first sections of the call number represent the subject of the item. Because books are classified by subject, you can often find several helpful books on the same shelf, or nearby.
This video created by the Douglas College Library offers some helpful tips for reading a Library of Congress Call number to locate an item