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Find biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on nearly 130,000 writers, from all time periods and from around the world.
Full-text entries from encyclopedias and reference works for multidisciplinary and subject-specific research in areas such as social sciences, education, business, psychology, art, history, etc.
Use any and all to locate reviews by professional reviewers, fans, film critics and media scholars.
Modern Language Association's database of journal articles, books, and more, pertaining to literature, language, linguistics, and folklore.
Modern Language Association's database of journal articles, books, and more, pertaining to literature, language, linguistics, and folklore.
Journals covering all areas of communication and mass media studies.
Contains journal, magazine, and newspaper articles covering all subject areas.
Auguste & Louis Lumière, selected films, 1895-1896.
Alice Guy, selected films, 1896-1907.
Georges Méliès, Voyage dans la lune (A Trip to the Moon), 1902.
Max Linder, selected films, 1907-1912.
Germaine Dulac, La Souriante Madame Beudet (The Smiling Madame Beudet) 1922.
Fernand Léger, Ballet mécanique (The Mechanical Ballet), 1924.
René Clair, Entr’acte (The Intermission), 1924.
Marcel Duchamp, Anemic cinéma (Anemic Cinema), 1926.
Luis Buñuel, Un chien andalou (An Andalusian Dog), 1929.
Jean Renoir, La Règle du jeu (Rules of the Game), 1939.
Jean Cocteau, La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast), 1946.
Henri-Georges Clouzot, Les Diaboliques (Diabolique), 1955.
Robert Bresson, Un Condamné à mort s’est échappé (A Man Escaped), 1956.
François Truffaut, Les Quatre Cents Coups (The 400 Blows), 1959.
Jean-Luc Godard, A bout de souffle (Breathless), 1960.
Agnès Varda, Cléo de 5 à 7 (Cleo From 5 To 7), 1962.
Jacques Deray, La Piscine (The Swimming Pool), 1969.
Eric Rohmer, Ma nuit chez Maud (My Night at Maud’s), 1969.
Erick Zonca, La vie rêvée des anges (The Dreamlife of Angels), 1998.
Céline Sciamma, Tomboy (Tomboy), 2012.