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Covers how to search for articles using Search Our Library, using the Advanced Search option to refine a search, as well as left menu bar options to limit to a particular resource type.
Learn how to use quotes when searching for a person, and how to limit to just article results when using the "Search Our Libraries" tab.
Whether in the Library or remote, you can browse art journals and magazines:
offers cover-to-cover indexing and abstracting and full-text coverage of academic journals, magazines, and trade publications, as well as books. The database also provides an Image Collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and others.
Articles from U.S. and international newspapers and newswires.
"Climate change"
"Voter suppression"
child* and education
globali?ation and analysis
Child* brings up child, children, childhood, and any other word that starts with the root "child." This works in most of the databases.
Globali?ation brings up items with the words globalization or globalisation.
If you don't use truncation and wildcards, some databases will look for an exact match to the words you type, and you may miss some relevant materials. (Warning: If you shorten the root word too much, you will bring up irrelevant items (soc* will bring up society and social and socioeconomic, but also Socrates).
"climate change"
"police violence"
Some material above adapted from Northeastern Library's top ten search tips.