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ARH348 History of Film (Eric Feldman) MV

Search Selected Art Databases for Articles on Film

What is an article database anyway?

Library article databases are indexes that allow users to search for articles from various publications and/or periodicals (journals, newspapers, or magazines).

The description of an article found in a database commonly consists of 3 main parts: 

  • Citation - gives the publication information for the article or book chapter including author, title, periodical name, issue, date, and pages numbers.
  • Abstract - A brief summary of an article or book.
  • Full-text – when available, the complete copy of the article.

Where is the Article?

If your selected database record does not contain an HTML or PDF option:

To get to the full-text of the article, click on the button next to the reference that sayd "Find it @ New Paltz" Find it at New Paltz button

This will link you back into Search Our Library, which allows you to link to full text in another database, or if there is no full text available, request it by interlibrary loan.

To see your options for accessing an item in Search Our Library, click Get It. 

If we don't have access to an article,  you can request a copy through Interlibrary Loan.