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ENG353-01: Multiethnic and Diasporic Literature (Wozencraft)

Additional resources for ENG353-01: Multiethnic and Diasporic Literature (Wozencraft)

Mold on the Ground Floor

The ground floor of the library is closed due to mold. The P section which is Literature and Languages is located on the ground floor. You are not able to check out books from that floor.

We will help you find copies of books you would like from other libraries. See the Accessing Materials on the Ground Floor guide below for help. You can also submit a question for help on our Ask A Librarian page. You can also reach out to me directly for help. 

*Please plan ahead (1-2 weeks) so there is time to get you physical materials from another library.* 

Options for Accessing Books

There are three main options for accessing books from the ground floor while this area is closed for mold remediation.

  1. Search our catalog for an ebook version
  2. Request a physical copy from another library
  3. Search online for a free ebook version

Search our catalog for an ebook version

  1. Start on the Library homepage:
  2. Select the "Catalog" tab on the homepage and search for a book by title, author, keyword, subject, ISBN or call number. Hit the orange magnifying glass on the right hand side to search. 
  3. Once on the search page, use the refiners on the left hand side to select "Full text Available Online" in Availability and select "Books" in Resource Type. Hit "Apply Filters" at the bottom of the Refiners list. "Refine your Results" section on the left with a box around "Full Text Available Online" in Availability, a box around "Books" in Resource Type, and a box around "Apply Filters" at the bottom.
  4. The results page will now show E-books for your search terms. Browse the search results page and click on the title of an interested E-book. 
  5. On the description page for the book, scroll to the "View Full Text" for a link to the E-book. Description page for an ebook with an arrow pointing to "View Full Text" near the bottom.

Request a physical copy from another library

There are two options for requesting a physicals book from another library. The first option is to see if it is available at another SUNY campus. If it is not, then we recommend submitting an Interlibrary Loan Request. 

Requesting from another SUNY Library

When you search for a book within our catalog, you may notice that it is listed as "not available." If this is the case, you can request the item through a service called SUNY Resource Sharing. 

  1. Start on the record for the book you would like to access.
  2. Scroll down to the "Get it" section right before the call number and click the "My library account" button to sign in. 
  3. Sign in using your NP username and password.
  4. Once signed in you will be brought back to the catalog record for the book. Scroll down to the "Get it" section again. Now you should see an option for "Request: SUNY Resource Sharing."
  5. Click the "Request: SUNY Resource Sharing" button and a request form will pop up.
  6. Double check the form to make sure the information is correct. 
  7. Click "Send Request" at the bottom of the form to submit the request. 

Requesting through Interlibrary Loan

If the Sojourner Truth Library does not have the book you need for your research, you can make an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request for free. Our ILL system is called ILLiad (InterLibrary Loan Internet Accessible Database). ILLiad allows you to request items electronically and to track the progress of your request. If the request is attainable, ILL will order the item from another library. Books may take 1-2 weeks to arrive.

  1. On the Sojourner Truth Library’s web site, under the "Services" tab click on "Interlibrary Loan." 
  2. Sign into ILLiad using your campus network log-in credentials. If you are a first-time ILLiad user, you will be required to complete a registration form, and include a valid email address.
  3. Once signed into ILLiad, you will see a menu on the left hand side. Choose the appropriate category under the "New Request" section.
  4. Fill out all the required sections of the form to the best of your ability. 
  5. Hit the "Submit Request" button at the bottom of the form once all the required information is inputted. 

Search online for a free ebook version

There are a few website options to find free ebooks. There is Google Books, Internet Archive, and HathiTrust.

Google Books

Google Books is a service from Google that let's you search full text of books and magazines that Google has scanned.

  1. Go to
  2. Search for the title of the book in the search bar.
  3. Look at the results to see if the book is available. Some books will have a preview only option while others will have full access or no access at all. 

Internet Archive

Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that provides free public access to ebooks. It's kind of like a public library. You can view some ebooks without having an account while others you check out. The site requires you to make a free account to check out books. Some books will have a 2-week rental period and others will have 1–2-hour rental. You can always just renew the book though if you need more time with it.

  1. Go to
  2. Search for the title of the book in the search bar.
  3. Look at the results to see if the book is available. Click on the title of the book if it is available to be brought to the ebook.
  4. You should now see the ebook. Look above the ebook to see if there is a rental option. Some books will be available without checking it out while others will need to be checked out for free. 
  5. You will need to create a free account in the upper right corner of the page if there is a rental option. The account is entirely free. 
  6. Once you create an account and sign in, you can now click the "borrow" button to check out the item. 
  7. When you are done using the book you can click the "return" button or renew the item.


HathiTrust is a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items. HathiTrust has different membership options which allow for different access levels. Our library is not a member library which means we have more limited access to ebooks. HathiTrust is great for finding ebooks to older materials. 

  1. Go to
  2. Search for the title of the book in the search bar.
  3. Look at the results to see if the book is available. Click the "Full View" button to be brought to the ebook. You can view the book information by clicking the "Catalog Record" button.